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قُلْ إِنَّ الْأَوَّلِينَ وَالْآخِرِينَ

Qul inna alawwaleena waalakhireena

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Yoruba Translation

Hausa Translation

Ka ce: &quotLalle mutãnen farko da na ƙarshe.&quot

Say: "Yea, those of old and those of later times,
Say: The first and the last,
Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Lo! those of old and those of later time

Asbabu n-Nuzuul (Occasions of Revelation)

Allah the Exalted said,

قُلْ إِنَّ الْأَوَّلِينَ وَالْآخِرِينَ ﴿٤٩﴾

لَمَجْمُوعُونَ إِلَى مِيقَاتِ يَوْمٍ مَّعْلُومٍ ﴿٥٠﴾


"(Yes) verily, those of old, and those of later times. All will surely be gathered together for appointed meeting of a known Day.''

meaning, `Say, O Muhammad, that the earlier and latter generations of the Children of Adam will be gathered for the Day of Resurrection and none of them will be left out.

Allah the Exalted said:

ذلِكَ يَوْمٌ مَّجْمُوعٌ لَّهُ النَّاسُ وَذَلِكَ يَوْمٌ مَّشْهُودٌ

وَمَا نُؤَخِّرُهُ إِلاَّ لاًّجَلٍ مَّعْدُودٍ

يَوْمَ يَأْتِ لاَ تَكَلَّمُ نَفْسٌ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ فَمِنْهُمْ شَقِىٌّ وَسَعِيدٌ

That is a Day whereon mankind will be gathered together, and that is a Day when all will be present. And We delay it only for a term fixed. On the Day when it comes, no person shall speak except by His leave. Some among them will be wretched and (others) blessed. (11:103-105)

He also said here,

لَمَجْمُوعُونَ إِلَى مِيقَاتِ يَوْمٍ مَّعْلُوم

All will surely be gathered together for appointed meeting of a known Day.

because that time is precisely designated and will not come late, early, nor increase or decrease.

قال الله تعالى " قل إن الأولين والآخرين لمجموعون إلى ميقات يوم معلوم " أي أخبرهم يا محمد أن الأولين والآخرين من بني آدم سيجمعون إلى عرصات القيامة لا يغادر منهم أحدا كما قال تعالى " ذلك يوم مجموع له الناس وذلك يوم مشهود وما نؤخره إلا لأجل معدود يوم يأت لا تكلم نفس إلا بإذنه فمنهم شقي وسعيد " .

لهم يا محمد

I'raab - grammatical analysis of the Qur'an

«قُلْ» أمر فاعله مستتر «إِنَّ الْأَوَّلِينَ» إن واسمها «وَالْآخِرِينَ» معطوف على الأولين