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Yoruba Translation
Hausa Translation
Shi ne taurãron nan mai tsananin haske.(1)
Asbabu n-Nuzuul (Occasions of Revelation)
(By the heaven and the Morning Star; ah, what will tell thee what the Morning Star is! The piercing Star!) [86:1-3]. This was revealed about Abu Talib. He once went to visit the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, and the latter offered him bread and milk. As Abu Talib was sitting and eating, a meteor fell, filling
everything with fire. Abu Talib was scared. He asked: モWhat on earth can this be?ヤ The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said: モThis is a meteor that was thrown and it is one of the signs of Allahヤ. Abu Talib was amazed, and so Allah, exalted is He, revealed these verses.
Then He explains it by His saying,
النَّجْمُ الثَّاقِبُ ﴿٣﴾
The star of Ath-Thaqib.
Qatadah and others have said,
"The star has been named Tariq because it is only seen at night and it is hidden during the day.''
His view is supported by what has been mentioned in the authentic Hadith that prohibits a man to come to his family Taruq. This means that he comes to them unexpectedly at nighttime.
Concerning Allah's statement, الثَّاقِبُ Ath-Thaqib.
Ibn Abbas said, "The illuminating.''
Ikrimah said, "It is illuminating and it burns the Shaytan''
وقوله تعالى " الثاقب " قال ابن عباس المضيء وقال السدي يثقب الشياطين إذا أرسل عليها وقال عكرمة هو مضيء ومحرق للشيطان .
" " النجم " أي الثريا أو كل نجم " الثاقب " المضيء لثقبه الظلام بضوئه وجواب القسم
والثاقب : المضيء . ومنه " شهاب ثاقب " [ الصافات : 10 ] . يقال : ثقب يثقب ثقوبا وثقابة : إذا أضاء . وثقوبه : ضوءه . والعرب تقول : أثقب نارك أي أضئها . قال : أذاع به في الناس حتى كأنه بعلياء نار أوقدت بثقوب الثقوب : ما تشعل به النار من دقاق العيدان . وقال مجاهد : الثاقب : المتوهج . القشيري والمعظم على أن الطارق والثاقب اسم جنس أريد به العموم , كما ذكرنا عن مجاهد .
I'raab - grammatical analysis of the Qur'an
«النَّجْمُ» خبر لمبتدأ محذوف تقديره هو «الثَّاقِبُ» صفة والجملة الاسمية حال.