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فَأَرْسَلَ فِرْعَوْنُ فِي الْمَدَائِنِ حَاشِرِينَ

Faarsala firAAawnu fee almadaini hashireena

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Yoruba Translation

Hausa Translation

Sai Fir´auna ya aika mãsu gayya a cikin birãne.

Then Pharaoh sent heralds to (all) the Cities,
So Firon sent heralds into the cities;
Then Pharaoh sent into the cities summoners,

Asbabu n-Nuzuul (Occasions of Revelation)

The Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt

Allah tells:

وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَى مُوسَى أَنْ أَسْرِ بِعِبَادِي إِنَّكُم مُّتَّبَعُونَ ﴿٥٢﴾

فَأَرْسَلَ فِرْعَوْنُ فِي الْمَدَائِنِ حَاشِرِينَ ﴿٥٣﴾

And We revealed to Musa, saying: "Depart by night with My servants, verily, you will be pursued.''

Then Fir`awn sent callers to (all) the cities.

After Musa stayed in Egypt for a long time, and the proof of Allah was established against Fir`awn and his chiefs, yet they were still arrogant and stubborn, then there was nothing left for them but punishment and vengeance. So Allah commanded Musa, peace be upon him, to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt by night, and take them wherever he would be commanded. So Musa, peace be upon him, did as he was commanded by his Lord, may He be glorified, and he led them forth after they had borrowed an abundance of jewelry from the people of Fir`awn.

As more than one of the scholars of Tafsir have said, they left when the moon was rising, and Mujahid, may Allah have mercy on him, said that the moon was eclipsed that night. And Allah knows best.

Musa asked about the grave of Yusuf (Prophet Joseph), peace be upon him, and an old woman from among the Children of Israel showed him where it was, so he took the remains with them, and it was said that they were among the things that were carried by Musa himself, may peace be upon them both.

It was also said that Yusuf, peace be upon him, had left instructions in his will that if the Children of Israel ever left Egypt, they should take his remains with them.

The following morning, when there was nobody to be found in the Israelite quarters, Fir`awn became angry and his anger intensified since Allah had decreed that he was to be destroyed. So he quickly sent his callers to all his cities, i.e., to mobilize his troops and bring them together, and he called out to them:

فلما أصبحوا وليس في ناديهم داع ولا مجيب غاظ ذلك فرعون واشتد غضبه على بني إسرائيل لما يريد الله به من الدمار فأرسل سريعا في بلاده حاشرين أي من يحشر الجند ويجمعه كالنقباء والحجاب ونادى فيهم .

"فأرسل فرعون" حين أخبر بسيرهم "في المدائن" قيل كان له ألف مدينة واثنا عشر ألف قرية "حاشرين" جامعين الجيش قائلا

فلما أصبح فرعون وعلم بسرى موسى ببني إسرائيل , خرج في أثرهم , وبعث إلى مدائن مصر لتلحقه العساكر , فروي أنه لحقه ومعه مائة ألف أدهم من الخيل سوى سائر الألوان . وروي أن بني إسرائيل كانوا ستمائة ألف وسبعين ألفا . والله أعلم بصحته . وإنما اللازم من الآية الذي يقطع به أن موسى عليه السلام خرج بجمع عظيم من بني إسرائيل وأن فرعون تبعه بأضعاف ذلك . قال ابن عباس : كان مع فرعون ألف جبار كلهم عليه تاج وكلهم أمير خيل .

I'raab - grammatical analysis of the Qur'an

«فَأَرْسَلَ فِرْعَوْنُ فِي الْمَدائِنِ حاشِرِينَ» ماض وفاعل ومفعول به والجار والمجرور متعلقان بأرسل