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وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ مُّسْفِرَةٌ

Wujoohun yawmaithin musfiratun

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Yoruba Translation

Hausa Translation

Wasu huskõki, a rãnar nan, mãsu haske ne.

Some faces that Day will be beaming,
(Many) faces on that day shall be bright,
On that day faces will be bright as dawn,

Asbabu n-Nuzuul (Occasions of Revelation)

The Faces of the People of Paradise and the People of the Fire on the Day of Judgement

Allah says;

وُجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ مُّسْفِرَةٌ ﴿٣٨﴾

Some faces that Day will be bright (Musfirah),

meaning, the people will be divided into two parties. There will be faces that are Musfirah, which means bright.

أي يكون الناس هنالك فريقين وجوه مسفرة أي مستنيرة .

" وجوه يومئذ مسفرة " مضيئة

أي مشرقة مضيئة , قد علمت مالها من الفوز والنعيم , وهي وجوه المؤمنين .

I'raab - grammatical analysis of the Qur'an

«وُجُوهٌ» مبتدأ و«يَوْمَئِذٍ» ظرف زمان أضيف إلى مثله و«مُسْفِرَةٌ» خبر