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حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَطْلِعَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَطْلُعُ عَلَى قَوْمٍ لَّمْ نَجْعَل لَّهُم مِّن دُونِهَا سِتْراً

Hatta itha balagha matliAAa alshshamsi wajadaha tatluAAu AAala qawmin lam najAAal lahum min dooniha sitran

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Yoruba Translation

Hausa Translation

Har a lõkacin da ya isa ga mafitar rãnã, ya sãme ta tanã fita a kan waɗansu mutãne (waɗanda) ba Mu sanya musu wata kãriya ba daga barinta.

Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection against the sun.
Until when he reached the land of the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people to whom We had given no shelter from It;
Till, when he reached the rising-place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom.

Asbabu n-Nuzuul (Occasions of Revelation)

(And they say: We will not put faith in thee till thou cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us)
[18:90]. Ikrimah reported that Ibn Abbas related that Utbah, Shaybah, Abu Sufyan, al-Nadr ibn al-Harith, Abuメl-Bukhturi, al-Walid ibn al-Mughirah, Abu Jahl, Abd Allah ibn Ubayy ibn Umayyah, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, and the chiefs of Quraysh gathered in front of the Kabah and said to each other: モSend for Muhammad, speak to him, and argue with him so that others do not blame you about himヤ. They sent to him with a message that the nobles of your people have gathered and want to speak with you. He came promptly, thinking that they had changed their mind about him, for he was keen to see them guided and was pained for their stubbornness.
When he sat with them, they said: O Muhammad, by Allah we do not know of any man among the Arabs who has introduced to his people what you have introduced. You have insulted our forefathers, censored our religion, accused us of ignorance, slandered our idols, divided the community and you have not left anything revolting except that you have placed it between us and you. Now, if you have brought all this to seek wealth, we will collect from our wealth so that you become the richest among us; if you seek status, we will make you our chief; if you seek kingship, we will make you our king; and if the jinn that appears to you has completely overwhelmed you, we will spend our money to get you the right medicine to cure you or discharge our duty toward youメ. The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said to them: I do not have what you accuse me of. I did not bring you what I brought to seek wealth, status or kingship. Rather, it is Allah, glorious and majestic is He, Who has sent me to you as a Messenger. He has revealed to me a Scripture and commanded me to be a carrier of good tiding as well as a warner.
I have conveyed to you the message of my Lord and advised you well. If you accept that which I have brought you, it is your share in this world and in the next. And if you reject it, I will be patient with the judgment of Allah until He judges between me and youメ. They said: O Muhammad, if you do not accept our offer, then you know that, compared to other people, we have a more restricted land, a tougher life and much less wealth.
So ask your Lord, Who has sent you with that which He has sent you, to remove from us these mountains which have restricted our land and expand our country and run through it rivers like the rivers of Syria and Iraq. And let Him resurrect our dead forefathers, and among those resurrected, let Him resurrect Qusayy ibn Kilab, for he was a truthful old man, so that we ask them about whether what you say is true or false. If you do what we ask for, we will believe you and, by the same token, know your status with Allah, and that He has sent you as a Messenger, as you claimメ. The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said: I was not sent to bring what you have asked for. Rather, I came to you from Allah, glorious is He, with that which He has sent me, and I have conveyed to you what I have been sent with to you.
If you accept it, it is your share in this world and in the next; but if you reject it, I will be patient with Allahメs judgementメ. They said: If you do not do what we have asked for, then ask your Lord to send an angel to confirm your message, and ask Him to provide you with gardens, treasures and palaces of gold and silver which will suffice you from your needs, for you stand in the market place as we do, and strive to earn a living as we do, in order that we appreciate your merit and position with your Lord, if you are truly a messenger, as you claim to beメ.
The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said: I will not do it, nor am I someone to ask his Lord for such things, nor was I sent to you with this; He has rather sent me as a bringer of good tidings and as a warnerメ. They said: In that case, cause the heaven to fall piecemeal down on us, since you claim that your Lord can do so if He willsメ. The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, said: That is up to Allah, He will do it if He willsメ. One of them said: We will not believe in you until you bring Allah and the angels as warrants.
Abd Allah ibn Abi Umayyah al-Makhzumi, the son of Atikah bint Abd al-Muttalib, the maternal aunt of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said: I will never believe in you until you get a ladder and climbed up to heaven while I am watching you, and bring an unfolded Scripture with you and a group of angels to testify about what you sayメ. The Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, left to his family very sad for failing to get his people to follow him as well as for the antagonism they displayed toward him. And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed (And they say: We will not put faith in thee till thou cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for usナ). Said ibn Ahmad ibn Jafar informed us> Abu Ali ibn Abi Bakr al-Faqih> Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Junayd> Ziyad ibn Ayyub> Hushaym> Abd al-Malik ibn Umayr> Said ibn Jubayr who said: モI said to him [to Abd al-Malik ibn Umayr]: The words of Allah (And they say: We will not put faith in thee till thou cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us) was it revealed about Abd Allah ibn Abi Umayyah?メ He said: This is what they claimメ ヤ.

His Journey East

Allah tells;

ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا ﴿٨٩﴾

حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَطْلِعَ الشَّمْسِ ...

Then he followed (another) way, Until, when he came to the rising place of the sun,

Allah tells us that Dhul-Qarnayn then traveled from the west of the earth towards the east. Every time he passed a nation, he subjugated the people and called them to Allah. If they obeyed him, all well and good, otherwise he would humiliate them and take their wealth and possessions. From every nation he took what his armies needed to fight the next nation. When he reached the place where the sun rises, as Allah says,

... وَجَدَهَا تَطْلُعُ عَلَى قَوْمٍ ...

he found it rising on a people,

meaning a nation,

... لَّمْ نَجْعَل لَّهُم مِّن دُونِهَا سِتْرًا ﴿٩٠﴾

for whom We (Allah) had provided no shelter against the sun.

meaning, they had no buildings or trees to cover them and shade them from the heat of the sun.

Qatadah said,

"It was mentioned to us that they were in a land where nothing grew, so when the sun rose they would go into tunnels until it had passed its zenith, then they would come out to go about their daily lives and earn themselves a living.''

وذكر في أخبار بني إسرائيل أنه عاش ألفا وستمائة سنة يجوب الأرض طولها والعرض حتى بلغ المشارق والمغارب ولما انتهى إلى مطلع الشمس من الأرض كما قال تعالى " وجدها تطلع على قوم " أي أمة " لم نجعل لهم من دونها سترا " أي ليس لهم بناء يكنهم ولا أشجار تظلهم وتسترهم من حر الشمس قال سعيد بن جبير كانوا حمرا قصارا مساكنهم الغيران أكثر معيشتهم من السمك . وقال أبو داود الطيالسي : حدثنا سهل بن أبي الصلت سمعت الحسن وسئل عن قول الله تعالى " لم نجعل لهم من دونها سترا " قال إن أرضهم لا تحمل البناء فإذا طلعت الشمس تغوروا في المياه فإذا غربت خرجوا يتراعون كما ترعى البهائم . قال الحسن هذا حديث سمرة وقال قتادة ذكر لنا أنهم بأرض لا تنبت لهم شيئا فهم إذا طلعت الشمس دخلوا في أسراب حتى إذا زالت الشمس خرجوا إلى حروثهم ومعايشهم وعن سلمة بن كهيل أنه قال : ليست لهم أكنان إذا طلعت الشمس طلعت عليهم فلأحدهم أذنان يفرش إحداهما ويلبس الأخرى . قال عبد الرزاق : أخبرنا معمر عن قتادة في قوله : " وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها سترا " قال هم الزنج وقال ابن جرير في قوله " وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها سترا " قال لم يبنوا فيها بناء قط ولم يبن عليهم فيها بناء قط كانوا إذا طلعت الشمس دخلوا أسرابا لهم حتى تزول الشمس أو دخلوا البحر وذلك أن أرضهم ليس فيها جبل . جاءهم جيش مرة فقال لهم أهلها : لا تطلعن عليكم الشمس وأنتم بها قالوا لا نبرح حتى تطلع الشمس ما هذه العظام ؟ قالوا هذه جيف جيش طلعت عليهم الشمس هاهنا فماتوا قال فذهبوا هاربين في الأرض .

"حتى إذا بلغ مطلع الشمس" موضع طلوعها "وجدها تطلع على قوم" هم الزنج "لم نجعل لهم من دونها" أي الشمس "سترا" من لباس ولا سقف لأن أرضهم لا تحمل بناء ولهم سروب يغيبون فيها عند طلوع الشمس ويظهرون عند ارتفاعها

وقرأ مجاهد وابن محيصن بفتح الميم واللام ; يقال : طلعت الشمس والكواكب طلوعا ومطلعا . والمطلع والمطلع أيضا موضع طلوعها قاله الجوهري .

I'raab - grammatical analysis of the Qur'an

«حَتَّى» حرف غاية وجر «إِذا» ظرف لما يستقبل من الزمن يتضمن معنى الشرط «بَلَغَ» ماض وفاعله والجملة مضاف إليه «مَطْلِعَ» مفعول به «الشَّمْسِ» مضاف إليه والجملة في محل جر بالإضافة «وَجَدَها» ماض فاعله مستتر والهاء مفعول به والجملة لا محل لها من الإعراب لأنها جواب شرط غير جازم «تَطْلُعُ» مضارع فاعله مستتر والجملة مفعول به ثان «عَلى قَوْمٍ» متعلقان بتطلع «لَمْ نَجْعَلْ» لم جازمة ومضارع مجزوم والفاعل مستتر والجملة صفة لقوم «لَهُمْ» متعلقان بنجعل «مِنْ دُونِها» متعلقان بمحذوف حال والهاء مضاف إليه «سِتْراً» مفعول به