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فَالْمُغِيرَاتِ صُبْحاً

Faalmugheerati subhan

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Yoruba Translation

Hausa Translation

Sa´an nan mãsu yin hari a lokacin asuba.

And push home the charge in the morning,
Then those that make raids at morn,
And scouring to the raid at dawn,

Asbabu n-Nuzuul (Occasions of Revelation)

(By the snorting coursesナ) [100:1-11]. Muqatil said: モThe Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, sent a military expedition to a clan of Banu Kinanah and appointed al-Mundhir ibn Amr al-Ansari as its leader. When their news was late to come, the hypocrites said: They have all been killedメ, and so Allah, exalted is He, gave news about this expedition and revealed (By the snorting courses) meaning the horses of that expeditionヤ. Abd al-Ghafir ibn Muhammad al-Farisi informed us> Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Basti> Muhammad ibn Makki> Ishaq ibn Ibrahim> Ahmad ibn Abdah> Hafs ibn Jami> Simak> Ikrimah> Ibn Abbas who related that the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, sent a cavalry in a mission but did not receive any news from them a month after they had left. And so it was revealed (By the snorting courses) i.e. the horses snorting with their nostrils.

فَالْمُغِيرَاتِ صُبْحًا ﴿٣﴾

And scouring to the raid at dawn.

meaning, the raid that is carried out in the early morning time.

This is just as the Messenger of Allah used to perform raids in the early morning. He would wait to see if he heard the Adhan (call to prayer) from the people. If he heard it he would leave them alone, and if he didn't hear it he would attack.

يعني الإغارة وقت الصباح كما كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يغير صباحا ويستمع الأذان فإن سمع أذانا وإلا أغار .

" فالمغيرات صبحا " الخيل تغير على العدو وقت الصبح بإغارة أصحابها

الخيل تغير على العدو عند الصبح ; عن ابن عباس وأكثر المفسرين . وكانوا إذا أرادوا الغارة سروا ليلا , ويأتون العدو صبحا ; لأن ذلك وقت غفلة الناس . ومنه قوله تعالى : " فساء صباح المنذرين " [ الصافات : 177 ] . وقيل : لعزهم أغاروا نهارا , و " صبحا " على هذا , أي علانية , تشبيها بظهور الصبح . وقال ابن مسعود وعلي رضي الله عنهما : هي الإبل تدفع بركبانها يوم النحر من منى إلى جمع . والسنة ألا تدفع حتى تصبح ; وقاله القرطبي . والإغارة : سرعة السير ; ومنه قولهم : أشرق ثبير , كيما نغير .

I'raab - grammatical analysis of the Qur'an

«فَالْمُغِيراتِ» معطوف على العاديات «صُبْحاً» ظرف زمان